Monday, November 06, 2006

November 5 Stuff

What does it mean to be called to the city?

Gene's sermon (rough notes):
Small group materials:

Have fun!

Monday, October 30, 2006

October 29 Week

Matt creatively re-told the story of Jacob and Esau at TILT this week. The story itself can be
found in Genesis 25:19 – 28:22. Here's everything for the small groups!
Small group materials:
Article for small groups:
Matt’s script:
A video of Matt’s reading:
Audio of Matt’s reading:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 22 Week

"Chosen for the Nations" - God told Abraham that God would bless all the peoples of the earth through Abraham. How does this election work? Why Abraham? What does it mean now to be a chosen people?

Greg Kay's sermon:
Handout: - all the information you need
Prayer: - some extra reading for the groups about prayer. Read it and try to pray simply for the week!
Video: - this is a video I made for TILT on Sunday taken at Yonge and Eglinton. It is just people walking by. But if we are chosen for the sake of the world, what is our response as we see people just going about their day?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 15 Week

Every week, I will endeavour to post on the website all the necessary things to "stay in the know" for Vocation small groups. Each group coordinator will bring a hardcopy of the Vocation small group materials to the small group, but you can read them here online.

TILT Sermon notes from October 8:
TILT Sermon from October 15:
Vocation Small Group materials:

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Who is God? (From our meeting)

For those that might be are the Scriptures from Sunday, October 30 meeting.

The Scriptures tell a story of a God that acts in history, demonstrating love and loyalty. We could spend the rest of our lives examining that story and learning about God. Examine the following Scriptures and dwell on how they speak to who God is. Try to understand the context of the passages as much as possible. How do the various passages relate? Do some characteristics of God seem to contradict one another? Why or why not?

Joel 2:12-14
Isaiah 55:10-13
Isaiah 64:8
Matthew 20:1-16
Hosea 11:1-4
Job 42:1-6
2 Timothy 2:11-13
Romans 5:8
Zephaniah 3:17

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Experiencing God

A very well-known book by Henry Blackaby that is about experiencing God in a profound and personal way. I haven't ready it personally yet, but know many people who have really enjoyed it and been changed by it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Blue Like Jazz

A popular book by Don Miller which does an excellent job of expressing faith "non-religiously". Here's what he has to say on
When I started writing this book I just wanted to end up with something like Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies, because in Traveling Mercies it felt like she was free, free to be herself, to tell her story, to just vent, to rant, to speak as if she were talking to a friend. Traveling Mercies helped me write this book, and in a way, for a while, Anne will be "The Beattles" of spiritual books, because she has infulenced so many of us. I definitely feel as though I got permission from Anne Lamott, permission to be human and to interact with God without all of the mind-melt that comes with growing up in a religious family. I never believed it would be published, and so I was pretty open in this book. My carreer was dead when I started this thing, so I felt like I was just talking to myself, or to the little reading group that met at my house. Sting has this song where he says that he is alone on an island and puts a message in a bottle and throws it into the ocean, only to wake the next morning and have a hundred million bottles washed upon his shore. He sings "I guess I'm not alone at being alone." and I think that sums up how I feel about Blue Like Jazz. It feels like I thought I was alone but woke up one morning to discover nothing could be further from the truth. And people have been incredibly kind.

A Glimpse of Jesus

Many of my thoughts about restoring our images of God and ourselves are expressed quite well by Brennan Manning. His book "A Glimpse of Jesus: The stranger to self-hatred" paints a great picture of who Jesus was, what he was about and what he means to us. Some great thoughts about compassion, healing through affirmation, meal sharing...